Dave Camp Scores Perfect Zero on the Environment
Rep. Dave Camp, the Congressional champion of the Dow Chemical Company, has had a perfect record of defending our area's worst polluter and now comes official word on just how bad a Congressman he really has been for the environment.
The League of Conservation Voters, an independent watchdog on environmental issues has just issued its latest National Environmental Scorecard that rates Camp a perfect zero, a distinction that only he earned for his dismal environmental voting record. That's right, no other Michigan member of Congress earned a perfect zero.
Many of our Democratic friends continue to vote for Dave because they "don't think he is THAT bad." Well, my friends, Camp is as bad as it gets.
When it comes to voting for the rich and powerful, Rubber Stamp Camp is always there. When it comes to supporting the Bush administration and Halliburton, you can count on Dave's vote.
But when it comes to clean energy, preserving our natural heritage and saving our planet, Dave Camp votes against it -- not just some of it -- but ALL of it.
Here's a complete rundown of the LCV scores for Michigan's Congressional delegation.