Torture As National Policy? Another Rubber Stamp
I think I am coming down with a case of outrage fatigue and I suspect many other Democrats are feeling the same way.
I really can't believe what George Bush is doing to our country and after each new fiasco, blunder, ignorant move, outrageous new measure or snafu, I feel outraged. But George Bush will be the very first and, I hope, the last president to lobby Congress in favor of torture.
Eliminating Social Security, lying us into war on our grandkids credit card, allowing corporate lobbyists to write laws that favor the rich and powerful all pale by comparison to a president who avoided his war time duty who loves the idea of torture.
Torture is not a family value. A president promoting torture in MY country? That is totally outrageous. But so are most of George Bush's other policies that have turned the world against us including our allies of just a few years ago.
Torture as national policy is so appalling that even the former kiss-ass Secretary of State Colin Powell couldn't keep quiet.
But I am so tired of being outraged, I am emotionally exhausted. And our local Congressman, Rubber Stamp Camp, will, of course, do what he has been told and again vote lock step with the other Republican rubber stamps to give this morally bankrupt president everything he wants.
Perhaps we need a new slogan. Stop the Outrages, Vote Democratic.
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